Hi again! I know it’s been awhile and I apologize, but I am a busy woman. What can I say!!

My constant cycle of school, work, knock on my neighbors’ door, sleep came to an abrupt halt last Wednesday. I went back to Chattanooga for the first time since becoming a New Yorker! Exciting stuff!!! I really missed trees. And driving. And my little mountain. And my little family. My mom made my favorite meal- Old Lady Spaghetti the first night I arrived. Even better than I remembered! I know I’m acting like I haven’t been home since the Vietnam War, but to be completely fair, those five months we’re the longest I have ever gone without being home. Ever! A girl needs her mom!!!

Whenever I go home, I kind of turn into the bartender of the family for the few days I’m there. I’m not really sure who decided this, or how it started, especially because I’ve never been a for real bartender at any kind of establishment. But I was deemed the Harrison Bartender, so I am the Harrison Bartender. Simple as that. Whenever I was little I always said that when I grew up I wanted to be a drink inventor, whatever the hell that means. I whipped up a new fun fall cocktail for everyone, and I don’t mean to be dramatic, but it was kind of incredible. Little Ella would love that.

We had our Christmas tree day on Friday, and I was so so glad that I was able to be there for that. Christmas tree picking-out-and-decorating-day might just be my favorite day of the year. We always have holiday music on, hot chocolate, cookies, and of course, Ella cocktails. I ended the night by meeting a couple of my friends at a little diner in Chattanooga. I got two orders of grits and we talked about our lives. A few of my favorite things.

I just got the confirmation from work that I get to come home for Christmas and I am over the moon!!! I originally was supposed to work Christmas Day at my swanky, big city restaurant. (A little bit ridiculous in my opinion, but don’t tell the big man) Howsoever, I am so very thankful that I’ll be in Chattanooga once again.

I cannot stop replaying this little snippets of this trip in my mind. It was so wholesome and good. We watched movies, and played games, and ate good food, and snuggled with our dogs. I can’t wait for next time.

XOXO, Ella

P.S. I promise I’ll write more often.


