Hey friends!!! What’s going on?????? Happy Tuesday am I right !!!!!

I am back in school just living and loving and everything in between. Classes are good. I am currently in the middle of my 9am-9:30pm of straight up class. Good thing fashion school is easy. Cuz I’m tired of this, grandpa. And that is too. Damn. Bad. I left my wallet on the subway/ got pickpocketed (not really sure which) last week. Actually right after I came home from my first day of school to a dead roach on my pillow. Fun and cute !! Anyways, I’ve been living off of my dad’s card on Apple Pay for the past 8 days (embarrassing), because my new card still hasn’t come in the mail. I had to turn down a tattoo because miss girlie did not accept Apple Pay. Sad. However! I may be getting one or two on Valentine’s Day Eveeee.

I’ve been TikToking my outfits each morning of school and sometimes in between and it actually has gotten me excited about waking up and getting all cute and fancyyy for school. Kinda digging it big time. Go check me out if ya like @ellainthecityy. You like the username???

OMG! Also I got a gym membership. WAYY overpriced, but I went for it. I’m gonna get jacked. Watch out. Gym Ella character unlocked. Hey girl.

ABC Kitchen has picked back up, so I’ll be big ballin again soon. Don't worryyyy. I haven’t seen any famous peeps lately, which is kind of upsetting. But, that kinda just makes me think I’m gonna see someone crazy famous soon (hopefully Titus from Kimmy Schmidt fingers crossed). Actually, to be fair he’s not crazy famous to anyone except for me. I think I’m okay with that.

Joseph Adams and I are planning our next visit and not a minute too soon!!! WHAT WHATTTTT.

So that’s basically all at the moment. Livin good. Feelin good. Lovin gooooood.

I <3 u, NY

Okay BYE YALL kiss kiss. See u sooooon.

XOXO, Ella


