Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. How are we doing on this fine Monday night? I hope all is well in each of your little worlds.

As you all know, I’m sure, the city is still being taken over by covid, so I have been called off for most of my shifts at work. Here-to-for-there, I am disgustingly broke at the moment. I haven’t felt pain like this in a while. But, you live and you learn. And, I am doing just that!

My sweet boyfriend came back to the city to visit, and we had the most wonderful time. The one good thing about restaurants being absolutely dead is that it was no problem getting off work during his stay. PLUS! I got to use the old film camera that I got from Santa for Christmas. 3 full rolls of film!!!!!

I got to experience my first ever New York Snow Day and, boy was it magical!!! We went to Central Park. *Totally basic, I’m aware. BUT, it was the most beautiful day. Everyone within a 50 mile radius of that park must have been there. It was craaaazy busy. There were children and dogs and babies running around and playing. It was such a happy day. I honestly kind of regret us not making snow angels.

The best part about Joe coming to New York is that every single time we find this new hidden gem of a restaurant that’s no more than a step out the door from my apartment. And, this time we found TWO! The first is a super teeny weenie sushi restaurant called Quan Sushi Grill. It was just the best, not to mention that it’s a block from my apartment. I honestly don’t think I’ve had sushi since moving to the city, so maybe I’m biased. Either way, it was so super delicious. Our second new favorite is called Fiat Café. I’ve eaten their dinner before, but the brunch is unmatched. Joe and I ended up going two days in a row to both order the eggs benedict. Kind of funny, I know. But, it was hands down the best hollandaise sauce I’ve ever tasted.

We ended up flying back to Cincinnati together, and staying with his parents for a couple of days until he drove me to meet my mom, who drove me the other half back. We even met at the same Cracker Barrel as last time.

Goodbyes are so hard. Especially, that one. I cried to my mom just about all the way home. I’m starting to think it’s getting harder each time we say goodbye. I miss him so much. Good thing I’ll see him again on Thursday before I go back up north. :) Not a moment too soon either.

I’ll be back with a Nooga update soon.

XOXO, Ella


