Hey everybody! Been a while hasn’t it!! SO much has changed since we last chatted!

I’m currently international. In Oui Oui París. Across the whole world. All! By! My! Self! How weird is that, right?? I’m all on my own. Half the time I’m lonely and homesick and miss being in the same time zone as all the people I love most, but the other half of me is like “Babe can u shut the hell up you live in Paris.” And she’s right. I do. But it’s strange how one flight across the pond has made me so much more independent. How sweet.

It is kind of weird though- being homesick for places that aren’t even your home. I miss New York a lot. Paris really isn’t as similar as I thought it was gonna be. I do love it a lot, but it’s not New York. I miss my roommate and her insanely beautiful and hot and sexy girlfriend. And all of my friends at NYU, because I dont talk to any FIT bitches (I’m scared of them). But God, do you know what I miss the most? Playing pool at my friends’ favorite shitty little dive bar in the East Village right near Tompkins. We have the best nights there. Every time I see a photo of them at that bar my heart breaks a little bit. I miss Kentucky too. The people more than the place for sure. I miss that silly little hair salon I worked at. And all my silly little hair salon friends. And my big and my grand-big from the sorority I dropped after a single semester. (We still send each other the wordle every day plz don’t freak out).

Of course I always miss Tennessee, because my family is there. And I love them. Duh. But, I don’t know. I haven’t even lived there since I was 18. And like looking back on the places I really grew up and met my lifetime buddies is so nostalgic when you move to a brand new place. And meet more lifelong buddies. This time from all over the world (which is pretty cool by the way). I know I won’t be here forever, but it’s pretty cool to look back on each place I’ve lived and realized how much me and all my peeps have grown and learned and changed. I also know how awesome it is gonna be to look back at this time in my life when I’m old and gray and can barely remember my first name. You know what I mean?

Everyday is new and different and I get to explore a city that I’ve been dreaming about practically since the moment I exit the womb. HELLO!!! Let’s take advantage people! Get out of bed! Get off your phone! Go watch the sunrise dammit! Or something like that! Seize the day !!!!!

I love learning! And changing! And growing! And loving!

Thanks for reading, I love you Xx

Ella <3
