Hey everybody! Its been a while hasn't it! I kinda forgot this blog existed I will not lie. I’m gonna start posting more! I swear!

My life is somewhat falling apart at the moment, howsoever I just wake up in the morning, put on my silly little outfit, make my silly little TikToks, and go about my day.

But, you know what comes with having a rough time???! Funny stories!!!!!

So up first!!!! The other day (specifically last Thursday) I had a lovely brunch at Buvette with one too many French 75s, and when I got to the front door of my apartment building I realized that my keys were in fact, locked in my apartment right along with my dignity. No problem though right? I could just go meet my roommate and get her keys! So, that is exactly what I did. I marched right over to Union Square and found her internship building, hopped in the elevator to floor 3, and she was waiting for me when the door opened. Easy enough, right? She reached out to give me the key, but it slipped through her fingers and mine, bounced on the floor twice, landed in the half inch gap between the elevator and the 3rd floor, and went right down the elevator chute. Never to be seen again. So, now we’re both screwed. It ended up all fine after I called off (RIP to that *probably $250+) work and waited for the sweet old handyman on my apartment stairs for a solid hour and a half.

Things have only gone downhill from there. I’m just about failing first grade level French, fully slept through an exam, and have a newfound Cha Cha Matcha addiction that’s very quickly burning a hole in my pocket.

But, this is where it gets really funny. I have been obsessing over eBay the last couple of weeks (also burning a hole in my pocket.) I got these brown leather 90’s Bongo sneakers in the mail on Friday. They were probably the best $15 I’ve ever spent. Super cute, super versatile, super comfy. Even a perfect fit for my giant man feet! I wore them for the 2nd time yesterday. To school I might add. All is well, throughout my first class. I even get a few compliments on the little fellas. As soon as I start walking to my second and final class of the day- BOOM. Part of the sole on my right shoe pops loose. Its fine, right? I make it to class, hobbling of course. And, halfway through the longest 3 hours of my life, I get up to go to the bathroom. As I’m walking out in front of the entire class, while the professor is teaching, the whole damn sole comes off. Fully detached. Laying on the floor. I picked that bitch up and got right back in my seat. Have y’all had your $15 eBay shoe fall apart in front of 30 kids and a professor at FASHION SCHOOL? No. You haven’t. It’s embarrassing for everyone involved. Do not recommend.

Almost a full roll of Scotch tape and an Uber got me home safe and sound. But, I don’t think I’m gonna live that one down for quite a while.

Anywho, I hope everyone is doing a wee better than little ole me.

Let’s talk soon. <3

XOXO, Ella


