HIIII everybodayyy <3

Good evening and HELLO!

The past week has been just perfect. My 21st birthday was last Monday, April 25th, and we celebrated alllll week long, OF COURSE. Sunday night when the clock stroke 12:00, I popped a bottle of Veuve Clicquot and cut into a peach and blueberry pie baked fresh by two of my sweetest friends. And OH MAMA! The shit was deeelish. Champagne and a fruit pie might just be the best combination on God’s green earth. And on my birthday, nonetheless. Unmatched. A couple of champagne bottles later and I headed up my seven flights to sleep.

I woke up on that morning next to my Chattanooga bff who was visiting for the special day. How sweet! We went down the street to Fiat Café for breakfast. And I, of course, ordered the eggs benedict, and my very first legal drink- a fresher than fresh orange juice mimosa. We headed to the nightmare location for any New Yorker- Macy’s at Herald Square for flutes and a picnic blanket. We honest to God were in and out of that store in about seven and a half minutes, which is pretty impressive in my very humble opinion. On the way back to the apartment we picked up a mere six bottles of champagne for the upcoming partay.

After dropping off the newfound goodies, we grabbed a bottle of La Marca and headed for Central Park. By the time we realized we were on the wrong uptown train, we were at 126th Street. After finding our way back to the park and a bagel pit stop, we found the cutest, sweetest, most perfect little bench right in front of a swing set. It was more than adorable. We finished the bottle and had no choice, but to swing. We swung and swung and laughed and swung.

We picked up three large Lombardi’s pizzas on the way back. And some more peeps came over to play. We layed out two picnic blankets on the roof and watched the sunset set behind the skyline with tummies full of Margherita pizza and bubbles. Dawn to dusk of nothing but fun!

I put the partying on hold until Thursday when Joseph Adams arrived. EEEEEEE! After four months and ten days apart, I could NOT wait to squeeze him. We spent mostly of the time snuggling and eating good food. On Friday night, we went to Amsterdam Billard’s Pool Bar. We sat at the bar to wait for a pool table to open up and Ross Lynch was sitting at the barstool to our right. #AustinandAly #SoFun. We played three games, and I lost all three. But, it was a damn good time.

Saturday was the bIG day! My parents rented a sailboat for my friends, Joseph adams, and I to celebrate my birthday. We woke up and walked straight to Balthazar to pick up some goodies for the day, and then dropped them off at my downstairs neighbor/ bff’s apartment. We got ready and Ubered to Chelsea Pier. It was such a BEEEaaaUUUtiful day. The caption met us at the dock and we hopped on. We ate all kinds of yummy sammies and sweet treats and consecutively drank a full case of Prosecco.

We all went back to my neighbor’s apartment, changed clothes, and analyzed our sunburns from the day. Of course, we continued to drink and snack and laugh. It was my favorite day maybe ever. I felt loved and grown-up and everything a 21 year old person should feel. It was perfect.

Thanks for reading; I love ya<3

XOXO, Ella


