Hey everybodayyyy.

So the thing is I haven’t written a single word on this bitch in like 3 months. Sorry about that... Hope you’re all doing well. So much has happened since we last chatted. As of August 1st, I have a new apartment with a new roommate in a new part of the city. (Nolita is dead.) My parents came to help move me in to my new place. I will be studying abroad in Paris next spring. You heard me! Paris!!!!!! So my apartment right now is just a small, sweet little sublease until the end of December. SO! EXCITED!!! Anywho my new place is a mansion compared to my last apartment. I have my OWN BATHROOM. Do yall know how big of a deal that is? Really big.

One of my friends works at a very swanky gym in the New York City that all of the rich, white a-holes belong to. He works the front desk and checks guests in. Sooooo he told my friend and I about Thursday morning class that he described as “baby yoga.” We showed up late and he pretended to check us in and snuck us through. This was no baby yoga. This was yoga. The hard one. With the pain and the sweating. The whole damn thing. It was tough, but I didn’t seem to have much trouble. Until! Crow pose. On our fourth set or round of God knows what I tried to get my feet off the ground. And as soon as I almost had it. My sweaty little forearm and my sweaty little shin slipped and I landed on my face. The issue wasn’t that I landed on my face though. The issue was that when I was in my attempted crow pose, I was at the top of my mat. So when I fell, I didnt land on my mat. I landed right on the concrete floor. Was it concrete? Maybe it was wood. Doesn’t matter. It hurt like a bitch. Still does actually. And I’ve got the battle scar to prove it. But the most fun part of this story is I had to continue on with the class and pretend I was fine, because I was TERRIFIED the instructor was going to have to fill out some kind of medical injury form and then she would find out that I wasn’t a member, AND THEN my friend would get fired. So I didn’t shed a single tear for the rest of the class. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

Just a few days ago I started feeling sick. After 6 negative covid tests over the course of 4 days, I finally accepted the fact that I didn’t have covid. Just had a cold. Remember when people just used to get colds???? Yeah. Me too. Well apparently they do. (I’m they.) I’ve been rotting away in my bed for the last 5(???) days being consumed by TikTok and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Hopefully I recover soon, but that’s mostly because I have work tomorrow.

Thanks for reading <3333


XOXO, Ella


